“Be thankful!”

“Sometimes I wonder Lord why do we so quickly forget?..I mean we forget just where the Lord has brought us from..or so we act as if we do..Amen..we are spoiled to say the least..and we at times act just like that..we murmur about so much..things that we take for granted..we never seem to stay or continue to just be thankful for our lives..for where we are in our lives..and for where were going in our lives..Amen..I believe that if we would keep focused on the goodness of the Lord and what all He has done for us than we would be happier than what we fake to be..Amen..the word says that we are to store up our treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot corrupt it..Amen..it goes on to say that where our treasure is there as well is our heart..Matthew 6:19-21..Amen..because if we stay focused on the Lord and His plan and His will for our lives than we walk out our lives in victory..we won’t wallow around in doubt and constantly in a state of complaining..we complain if it’s hot outside..if it’s cold outside..we complain about the traffic..the news..we complain about the food we eat..how it was prepared..how it was cooked..how it could’ve been better..we complain and murmur about others and their lives..and in the midst of that we never look at ourselves and our lives in which we are living..Amen!”

“The Lord desires that we be thankful and happy for our lives..but more than anything that we be and live content lives..Proverbs 19:23..Amen..having cheerful hearts..being satisfied with what we do have..Hebrews 13:5..whether we have little or a lot..to remain godly in our lives..in our speech..in our walks..in everything..not to be lukewarm..as I say straddling the fence line..back and forth..hot and cold..everywhere but where we should be..for I like to always say to myself..Mandi work on you today..Amen..because we if you all haven’t seen it yet..we all need help and work on ourselves and daily so..so be thankful for this life..get excited about it..Ecclesiastes 3:12-13..Amen..for it could be taken away in a blink of a moment everything could change..so be happy with your life..with all that you have..with everything..1 Corinthians 7:17..let the Lord know that you are content and thankful to Him for it all..and shine His light so that others may see His goodness working in our lives..Psalm 90:14..making a difference where we are with what we have..Amen..for it is in His name, Jesus’ name, that I to ask and pray..Amen and Amen..Be blessed today my dear sweet friends and remember wherever you go and whatever you do, Be a light for our Father, Much love to you all, Mandi ❤️

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